Digital forensics is a rapidly growing, broadly wide-spectrum field that combines many different aspects of the law. In fact, a person who is not familiar with digital forensics may be better served by referring to it as forensic studies, forensic investigation, or computer forensics. The focus of digital forensics can range from criminal investigations to civil, commercial, or corporate legal proceedings. At the Florida Nerds, we specialize in digital forensics and can help you and your case.

In recent years, many computer forensics professionals have become involved in private, commercial, and public investigations for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons include but are not limited to: corporate fraud, child pornography, tax evasion, and fraud and corruption. Other investigators, in their own right, use forensic techniques to gather evidence for a wide variety of legal proceedings. While a number of people may work solely within the forensic realm, many others work in both private and public investigation capacities.

Digital forensics requires the skills of many different types of professional and skilled individuals, including software programmers, computer security analysts, computer psychologists, computer forensics investigators, computer programmers, and other computer specialists. In the case of private and personal investigations, some people may work exclusively with computers and computer technology, while others may work exclusively with law enforcement and federal investigators.

Forensic investigations can range from simple and straightforward gathering of computer data, such as the recording and transcribing of emails and chat conversations, to more complex and involved investigations, such as the acquisition and analysis of digital media, such as images and audio recordings. Additionally, many investigation cases rely on a forensic specialist’s ability to interpret images and videos for their own purposes. As such, a forensic investigator may often be employed by attorneys, corporations, law enforcement, and law enforcement agencies to assist clients with the interpretation of digital evidence.

When it comes to legal investigations, there are a number of different types of computer forensics experts. Generally, lawyers use the services of forensic scientists who can review digital evidence and help build their case. Lawyers may also hire computer forensics specialists to assist them with gathering and documenting evidence on their behalf. Computer forensics professionals may also be used by attorneys in their own private capacity either to conduct private investigations on their own behalf, or in conjunction with a lawyer.

One of the most prominent uses of computer forensics in divorce proceedings is the collection of evidence in divorce proceedings. Divorce proceedings are typically long and complicated and complex. There is generally a lot of paperwork involved, and a lot of financial records involved in many legal proceedings. Often, divorce cases rely on expert witnesses to provide testimony about the financial status of one party or the other. As such, it is important for a divorce mediator to be aware of all of the financial records related to the case so that he or she can provide the best advice to his or her client.

Divorce proceedings typically involve a lot of money, and divorce mediation is considered one of the most costly legal proceedings available. Divorce mediation allows the divorce proceeding to run smoothly and help to resolve any financial conflicts between spouses and avoid unnecessary legal fees. Divorce mediation requires a legal professional to work closely with a divorce mediator to provide the best possible advice and case resolution possible.

The legalities of divorce proceedings are complicated, and a trained mediator is an invaluable asset to many divorcing couples. Divorce mediators are able to review the case files, gather evidence, and collect testimony and evidence to help establish or disprove a relationship between the spouses. When computer forensics work is undertaken in the context of divorce mediation, the result can be highly beneficial to both the client and the mediator.

If you need digital forensics for your case – please learn more about our services or call The Florida Nerds today!